
Miscellaneous stuff about me.


(WIP) I'm mostly interested in Interface and Product Design but I enjoy making illustrations and I've also tried out some 3D modelling.


I've participated in over 30 Hackathons, Designathons, Quizzes, etc. Check out some of my wins.


Buy me a coffee to support my journey in building delightful web and mobile apps like Spotivity.


Check out some of the stuff I've worked on and teams I've been a part of.

Top Tracks

My top tracks from Spotify this month

About this website

My website has always been a playground for me to try out new tech and experiment with new features. The main motive for this website was to showcase the projects I've worked on over the last few years. This website is built with Vue 3 and Vite.

The website has been deployed to Vercel and it takes advantage of its serverless functions for features like the realtime Spotify currently playing indicator and contact form. It's Open Sourced at github.com/arhaanb/arhaanb.com. Leave a star!

Message me

Let me know what you think about this website! Or let's work on a project together! I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible. Alternatively, you can email me at hi@arhaanb.com.